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Probate and Estate Administration

After the loss of a loved one, the thought of having to also deal with their estate can feel very overwhelming. We are here to help you during this difficult time.

What is Probate?

A Grant of Probate (or a Grant of Letters of Administration where the deceased died without making a Will) is the legal document which gives the Executor of the Will/Administrator the authority to deal with the deceased’s assets, either in accordance with their Will or under the Rules of Intestacy.

Do I need a Grant of Probate?

Not necessarily! If there are any jointly owned assets and this passes to the other owner, such as spouse or civil partner, then possibly not. Each bank or building society have their own thresholds and matters can sometimes be dealt with under small claims procedures, so it may be worth checking with the banks or building societies first. If the deceased owned their own property though, a Grant will have to be obtained.

Whether it is simply obtaining just the Grant for you, or helping you administer the estate, our specialist team can help you through the entire Estate Administration process including advising you of any potential risks and dealing with matters on your behalf.

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