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SRA Transparency Rules

Legal Practices in England and Wales such as Woolliscrofts Solicitors are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Under the SRA Transparency Rules all such legal practices are required to publish information on prices and services in respect of specific types of legal work undertaken by them – including Probate work.

Why Woolliscrofts Solicitors?

Woolliscrofts Solicitors are your friendly local Solicitors who are proud to have been serving individuals and families throughout Staffordshire, Cheshire and beyond for over 100 years. We have offices in Hanley and Stone.

We are committed to excellent levels of legal service, client care and the delivery of value for money legal services by our dedicated teams of specialist Probate Lawyers and their support staff.

You will find us easy to talk to and we won’t baffle you with technical legal jargon.

Unlike some other Solicitors Practices Woolliscrofts Solicitors do NOT charge what is often referred to as a “Value Element” – usually expressed as a percentage of the value of the Estate – unless the deceased actually appointed us in their Will to act as a Professional Executor.

Who deals with Probate work at Woolliscrofts Solicitors?

To view details of the Private Client Team here at Woolliscrofts please click here.

How long will it take to complete my Probate matter and what will it cost?

The answer to this question very much depends upon the nature and extent of the work which the Executors / Personal Representatives of the deceased actually wish Woolliscrofts Solicitors to assist them with or undertake on their behalf.

Insofar as obtaining a Grant of Representation from the Probate Registry is concerned, from the point at which Woolliscrofts have been provided with all of the instructions and information required in order to enable us to undertake the preparation of the necessary formal documentation (the time-frame for which is obviously in the hands of our clients) and we are in a position to submit all of the necessary formal documentation to the Probate Registry, in our experience the Probate Registry take somewhere in the order of 7 – 11 weeks minimum to respond to the application depending on type of application (paper or online).

Please Note
  • The Costs Information given here is general and, therefore, indicative only. If you contact our team here at Woolliscrofts Solicitors we will be able to give more precise and personalised information to you, which we will be happy to confirm in writing to you and which would, in any event, be confirmed in an Engagement Letter in the event of you deciding to proceed to instruct Woolliscrofts Solicitors to act on your behalf.
  • In the examples below we have obviously changed names and some other details to protect client confidentiality.
  • Woolliscrofts Solicitors always invite prospective new clients to establish contact with us in order for them to be able to outline their particular circumstances and requirements to us and to enable us to provide an appropriate Costs Estimate. Contact us for a competitive tailored estimate of our charges.

Typical examples

Some typical examples of what Woolliscrofts Solicitors have charged probate clients in respect of matters where Woolliscrofts Solicitors have been instructed by executors to deal with the administration of the estate in addition to obtaining a grant of probate from the probate registry.


VAT will, at the option of Woolliscrofts Solicitors, be charged at the rate prevailing either at the time of the relevant legal services being provided by Woolliscrofts Solicitors or at the time of our bill in respect of those services being raised.

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SRA Transparency Rules

See our transparency information in respect of Probate work

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