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Making A Will

Have you ever thought of making a Will? If you haven’t, you’re not alone!

Statistics show that 70% of the population do not have a valid Will and approximately 2,000 people die every day without leaving a valid Will.

Without a valid will the State will decide who inherits your estate
Without a valid will the State will decide who inherits your estate
So why make a Will?

By making a Will, you can choose who you want to benefit under your estate, giving you peace of mind that your loved ones are taken care of after you die.

If you die without a Will, your Estate will be governed by the Intestacy Rules and this may not reflect your wishes.

If you have a Will in place already, remember to review it from time to time in case your circumstances have changed. Remember, if you previously had a Will but have since got married or entered into a civil partnership, this will have revoked (cancelled) your existing Will!

Contact our Will experts today to arrange an appointment with one of our experienced team. Appointments can be made either at our offices or if you are unable to get to our offices, we can arrange to see you in the comfort of your own home.

Alternatively send us a free no obligation enquiry by e-mail.

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