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Complaints to Woolliscrofts Solicitors

Woolliscrofts Solicitors are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all of our clients. If you feel that we have failed to achieve an acceptable standard of service please do tell us – as it is only by doing so that we have the opportunity to address your concerns in addition to generally monitoring and, where necessary, improving our quality of service.

Details of how to raise a Complaint with Woolliscrofts Solicitors are set out in our Complaints Policy, a copy of which can be viewed here.

Complaints to The Solicitors Regulation Authority

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) work with Solicitors and Law Firms to make sure they comply with their Principles, to make sure that we behave independently, fairly and with integrity to service the interests of our clients and the public interest. The SRA are unable to deal with complaints about poor service and do not have the power to award compensation for poor service, or to reduce or refund your legal fees.

In addition to welcoming and investigating information about dishonesty or breaches of their Principles, the SRA also investigate allegations of discrimination. Further information regarding reporting individual Solicitors or Law Firms to the SRA can be viewed on the SRA’s website.

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